In Values we trust.
Your value is the sum of our values.
Trust is the core value for a successful long-term partnership and the base for a sustainable future.
That is what we have a strong believe in and you can trust in.
As a family-owned company independence is one of our core values. Due to our expertise we assist you in choosing lawyers, banks or asset managers.
We are only paid by our clients and can add value with no conflicts of interest.
We at the Jeeves Group trust in honesty. Putting the focus on your value and success is one of our core values. Thats what we offer and you can count on. In the way we act, communicate and advise.
Transparency and Honesty makes the difference.
As a family and as a group in privacy we trust.
In a world of increasing transparency as a group we have a strong focus on preserving legal privacy for you and future generations.
A long-term Relationship is what we want and what we are looking for.
Focussing on it is a core value to us and the base for a successful sustainable future.
As a family and group we are mindful of the past and strongly committed to the future.
Even in times of an internationally ever increasing regulatory framework, we strongly believe that what we can add value and create our future.